Alright friend—grab your caffeine and your courage. This one’s for us.

My birthday was a couple months ago, so in honor of my 48th trip around the sun, I grabbed a cute notebook, a pretty pen, and made myself a wildly imperfect promise:

This is the year I’m going to do life scared.
Not perfectly. Not with a detailed blueprint.
Just courage, caffeine, and the kind of messy action that makes life feel real again.

No more shrinking. No more waiting for the “right moment.” No more letting fear sit in the front seat, calling the shots. She’s been driving long enough.

So this year? I’m putting her in the back. She can ride along if she must, but I’m the one with the hands on the wheel. I’m driving—with messy bravery, shaky hands, and a sparkle in my eye.

This post is my line in the sand. My declaration. My promise to myself.

It’s 48 ways I’m planning to show up scared this year—on purpose. Some will be tiny steps, some might feel like full-on free falls. Some will stretch me, and a few will probably make me want to hide under a blanket fort and live out the rest of my days. But I’m doing them anyway.

Because I don’t want another year to go by waiting to feel ready. I want to feel alive.

So if you’re craving more courage, more realness, more you in your life—let this be your permission slip too. One step. One scared, shaky YES at a time.

Let’s go, friend. Glitter pen in hand. Heart wide open. Fear can come, but she doesn’t get to lead. ✨

Let’s go.

  1. Saying “yes” before I feel ready. I will LITERALLY never be ready. So I’m just going for it.
  2. Launching that thing I’ve been dreaming about for years. It’s happening. Like next month.
  3. Speaking up when something bothers me – instead of stewing in silence. I’ve been quiet too long and let too many things slide. No more of that.
  4. Swapping the leggings and hoodie for full on glam.
    Because sometimes the boldest thing you can do is show up as the most extra version of yourself… on a Tuesday.
  5. Asking for help.
    Hardest. Thing. Ever. But also—most freeing.
  6. Re-launching a podcast.
    Because I’ve got stories and someone out there needs to hear them.
  7. Walking into rooms where I don’t know a soul.
    And reminding myself I belong.
  8. Dancing. In public. With zero shame.
    Look, the beat dropped. What was I supposed to do?
  9. Pitching myself.
    To brands, to podcasts, to people I admire. Fear says “who do you think you are?” Confidence says, “I’m me. That’s enough.”
  10. Letting go of the “perfect mom” myth.
    We’re all just winging it. My kids are loved SO much. That’s what matters.
  11. Booking the trip.
    No overthinking. Just YES.
  12. Letting people see the messy middle.
    There’s magic in all that mess.
  13. Publishing my first book—because raising twins is a story that needs to be told. And if I’ve lived through it, I might as well write about it.
  14. Going live on Instagram with no makeup and no script.
    Raw is real. Real is powerful.
  15. Be consistent with my Meditation practice
    There is nothing scarier than the stillness of your own thoughts.
  16. Reading self-help books out loud to my kids.
    I do this. They roll their eyes. It’s our thing.
  17. Ditching toxic people—guilt-free.
    Unfollow. Unfriend. If it doesn’t feel like peace, it’s not my place.
  18. Posting the thing even when I feel cringe.
    Cringe today, confidence tomorrow.
  19. Trying new foods (aka living life on the edge for a girl who orders the same thing every time).
    It’s basically skydiving… for my taste buds.
  20. Saying “no” without explaining.
    Boundaries, baby. And no is a complete sentence anyway.
  21. Trying a new hobby I’m terrible at.
    Coding, watercolor, photography…count me in.
  22. Practice saying “I don’t know” without shame.
    Because curiosity is powerful. Perfectionism is not.
  23. Learning a new language.
    Awkward, humbling, and wildly empowering. Growth looks like mispronunciations and proud little victories.
  24. Visualize my future self every day.
    And make one small decision daily that moves me towards her.
  25. Letting go of the 10-year plan.
    Because sometimes magic lives in the right now.
  26. Take a Yoga Class. Awkward. Inflexible. But learning, growing and showing up anyway.
  27. Trusting myself.
    No more overthinking, second-guessing or waiting for outside validation.
  28. Creating community—my way.
    Messy, real, soul-deep. That’s how I roll.
  29. Taking up space on purpose.
    Because I’m not shrinking to fit anyone’s comfort zone.
  30. Talking money—out loud.
    Wealth is not a dirty word. And I want LOTS of it.
  31. Doing a solo trip—even just one night away.
    Just me, a good book, snacks I don’t have to share, and the kind of silence that feels like self-love.
  32. Making new friends as an adult.
    Yes, it’s awkward. No, I’m not stopping.
  33. Trying strength training.
    Because feeling strong in your body spills into every other area of life.
  34. Raising my kids to believe in limitless possibilities—
    and choosing to be the living, breathing example of that truth.
  35. Creating digital products—even if no one buys (yet).
    Every creation is a win.
  36. Let go of the need to control everything.
    That’s the real work.
  37. Turning off my phone for an entire day (or weekend).
    And facing the quiet.
  38. Telling my story—unfiltered.
    Because someone out there is waiting for a “me too.”
  39. Forgive someone—truly.
    Not for them. For me.
  40. Spend time in nature, barefoot.
    Reconnect to the earth, to what matters.
  41. Speak kindly to myself even when I mess up.
    Instead of spiraling into shame, say, “That was human of me. I’m learning.”
  42. Looking in the mirror and saying “I love you.”
    Cringe? A little. Powerful? Hugely.
  43. Throwing out clothes that don’t fit this version of me.
    She deserves to feel good now.
  44. Spending time building my bookish YouTube channel, This Cozy Chapter—because talking to a camera still feels awkward, but sharing my love for stories lights me up more than fear ever could.
  45. Getting honest with myself about money and admitting where I can do better. Awareness is power.
  46. Choosing rest without guilt.
    My worth is not tied to productivity.
  47. Releasing the shame I’ve been dragging around like a suitcase full of “shoulds.” It’s heavy. It’s old. And I’m not carrying it anymore.
  48. Believing that the best is still ahead.
    Always. Because it is. I feel it. And fear doesn’t get to stop me anymore.

And that’s the list!

 48 brave moments for the rest of 2025. 48 reminders that fear doesn’t get to write the story anymore.

Not because I’m waking up fearless each day. But because I finally realized that brave doesn’t mean never scared—it means you show up anyway. You shake and still speak. You sweat and still start. You question everything and still take the next step.

If you’re sitting there feeling like your dream is too big, or your confidence is too shaky, or your timeline is too messy—you are not too late. Your list can start with one small brave thing. One YES that’s just for you.

Start the list.
Take the leap.
Wear the lipstick.
Book the trip.
Say the thing.

Let’s live wide open this year. You in?


Your Fear-Facing, Lipstick Wearing, Purpose-Chasing Hype Girl

P.S. This blog post? It’s just the beginning.

I just launched an amazing new space called Mom Masterminds over on Heartbeat! If you’re into brave living, honest conversations, and women cheering each other on like hype squads in leggings, you need to be in there.

We’re doing life scared, getting aligned AF, showing up messy, and building lives we actually want. Come hang out—we’re just getting started, and there’s room for you at the table. 🫶

👉 Come join Mom Masterminds on Heartbeat!!

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