Hey mama, have you ever felt like your confidence, success, or even just your happiness made someone else uncomfortable? Like you finally decided to go after something big, and suddenly…..people got all weird and stuff?

Maybe they didn’t clap when you expected them to. Maybe they threw a passive-aggressive comment your way. Or maybe they just kinda… vanished.

And for a hot second, you thought, Maybe I should reel it in, tone it down… Maybe I should shrink just a little…

No. Absolutely not.

The real truth is, your light is going to irritate some people. Not because you’re too much or doing something wrong. It’s because they haven’t given themselves permission to shine yet.


So let’s talk about how to own your magic, stop worrying about who can’t handle it, and finally feel FREE to be who you are. You ready? Let’s do this.

Step 1: Get Super Clear About Who You Really Are

Before you can own your magic, you’ve gotta know what makes you magical. And no, I don’t mean your ability to find the missing sock your kid swore wasn’t in the laundry basket (but seriously, how do we do that?).

Like, if I took away every expectation, every “should,” and every fear of what other people think…

✨ What do you actually want out of life?
✨ What makes you excited to get out of bed?
✨ What part of you have you been shrinking because you’re worried about making others uncomfortable?

Here are a few more journal prompts to help you dig deeper. (Because self-awareness is everything. Literally)

If I could design my dream life without limitations, what would it look like?

What are three things I’ve always been passionate about, even as a kid?

What activities make me feel the most alive, energized, and happy?

Where do I feel most like myself? (At home, in nature, working on a project, with certain people?)

If I stopped worrying about what people think, what would I do differently?

What drains me? What do I keep doing just because I think I “should”?

Most of us have spent our whole lives playing it safe, trying to be “just enough”—not too much, not too loud, not too bold.

But you were never meant to be small.

So let’s stop that nonsense and start being the YOU that you were always meant to be.

Step 2: No More Apologies for Taking Up Space

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve swallowed my words, tiptoed around my own truth, or apologized for things that didn’t even require an apology.

I’ve stayed quiet when little digs were made about me, my choices, or my family—just to “keep the peace.” I’ve said “sorry” for things I wasn’t even remotely sorry for. I’ve made myself small, dimmed my excitement, and held back… all because I didn’t want to inconvenience someone else or make them uncomfortable.

And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. Somewhere along the way, we picked up this lie that we should make ourselves smaller so other people feel more comfortable.

I call B.S. on that.

You’re not too loud.
You’re not too much.
You’re not “bragging” for being proud of yourself.

Your happiness? Your confidence? Your success? It doesn’t take anything away from anyone else.

So why do we feel guilty for celebrating ourselves?

From now on, I want you to:
💡 Stop over-explaining your choices. You don’t need to justify why you’re chasing your dreams.
💡 Stop dimming your excitement. If something makes you happy, SHOUT ABOUT IT.
💡 Stop playing small to make others comfortable. You weren’t made to fit in—you were made to stand out.

Step 3: Find (and Use) That Beautiful Voice of Yours

If you’ve ever hesitated before saying what you really think because you’re worried about how people will react… I totally get it. It’s scary to speak up, but the truth is, the more you use your voice, the easier it gets.

Try this:
✨ Instead of saying, “I don’t know, maybe…”—say, “Here’s what I think.”
✨ Instead of “I’m not an expert, but…”—say, “This is what I’ve learned.”
✨ Instead of shrinking in conversations—OWN your truth.

Get into the habit of practicing daily self-expression:

✅ Share an honest opinion (without softening it or apologizing).
✅ Ask for what you need (without feeling guilty).
✅ Set a boundary (even if it’s uncomfortable).
✅ Post something online that reflects your true self (instead of just what they think people want to hear).
✅ Speak up in a conversation (instead of holding back).

Will some people not like it? Probably.

But you’re not for everyone—and that’s a good thing.

Your people—the ones who love you, get you, and celebrate you? They will show up.

And the ones who don’t? Well… bless and release. 🙌

Step 4: Stop Seeking Approval from People Who Don’t Get It

Oof. This one’s hard.

So many of us have spent years looking for validation, permission, and approval before we do anything “big.” But you know what?

You DO NOT need permission to live the life you want.

Not everyone is going to get your dreams. Not everyone is going to understand why you’re starting a business, homeschooling your kids, or changing directions.

And that’s okay.

Because they don’t have to get it.

The only person who needs to be on board with your dreams? YOU.

It starts by recognizing WHERE you’re seeking approval.

  • Whose approval am I constantly chasing?
  • Do I hold back on decisions because I’m afraid of what others will think?
  • Have I ever changed my mind about something I truly wanted because of someone else’s opinion?
  • Do I get anxious when someone disapproves of my choices?

Once you start identifying patterns that are keeping you small, it’s that much easier to break free.

So let’s stop worrying about what “they” think and start asking:

✅ Does this feel right for me?
✅ Is this the life I want?
✅ Am I proud of how I’m showing up?

If the answer is YES, then keep going.

Step 5: Anticipate the Resistance

Here’s the truth, friend: Not everyone will celebrate your growth or love the new, confident version of you. Keep going anyway.

Some people might:
👀 Make snarky comments.
🙃 Act weird when you talk about your business or new goals.
👋 Distance themselves when you start leveling up.

And you know what? That’s not a reflection of you.

Some things to remember:

➡️ Recognize that Resistance = Growth: Pushback is just confirmation that you are evolving.

➡️ Normalize losing people along the way: not everyone is meant to come with you on this journey.

➡️ Stop taking other people’s reactions personally: people project their own insecurities onto others. If your confidence, success, or happiness triggers them, it’s usually because they’re struggling with their own.

➡️ Surround yourself with people you aspire to be like: Follow people that inspire you, join a community of like-minded women (like Mom Masterminds!! LOL) and cut out or limit time with people who belittle your choices without first trying to understand.

✨ Keep going.
✨ Keep growing.
✨ Keep showing up as the fullest version of YOU.

Some people will cheer you on. Some won’t. And it’s all good.

Final Thoughts: Your Voice is SO Needed

At the end of the day, your light is needed in this world.

Your voice.
Your talents.
Your energy.

Some people will be inspired by you. Others will be irritated by you. Shine anyway.

Because for every person who gets uncomfortable, there’s another woman out there who sees you and thinks, “If she can do it, maybe I can too.”

You inspire people you don’t even know are watching.

So don’t dim yourself. Don’t shrink. Don’t play small just to keep others comfortable.

Shine anyway, mama. 💡✨

Now tell me—what’s one way you’re stepping into your light this year? Drop it in the comments or come hang out in the Mom Mastermind Discord so I can hype you up! 💛

#ShineAnyway #OwnYourMagic #StopShrinking #MomMasterminds

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